Oklahoma Criminal Records

Oklahoma makes some information on criminal records public under the Oklahoma Open Records Act. The information on criminal history of an individual is generally maintained by Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI). This department is also the repository of fingerprint-based criminal history in Oklahoma.

A search for criminal history records in Oklahoma can be done online, in person, or through mail.

Conducting an online search is possible through CHIRP (Criminal History Information Request Portal). When using this portal, users will have to enter information like the first name, last name, and date of birth of the subject.

To better refine the search and make it easier, you can also enter additional (optional) information like the social security number and aliases.

Access to CHIRP requires users to set up a free account on the portal. However, there are costs involved in looking for criminal records through CHIRP, or using additional services like checking through sex offender registry or violent offender registry.

OSBI also offers in-person services, like fingerprint services for individuals. This is usually available by appointment only.

If you’d prefer to complete the request in person or through mail, you can utilize a form available on the state’s website. The form can be sent through fax or mail to the department for further action. Any form submission should also be accompanied by the required fee using the desired method. 

Forms sent through fax need credit cards, though those handled directly can be paid for in numerous ways, including cash, cashier’s check, money order, or credit card.

Though most information is readily available through OSBI, you may occasionally feel the need to utilize other services as well. 

A good part of the criminal records or verdicts can be found by searching through court records as well. Some information might also be available by utilizing services like ODCR (Oklahoma District Court Records) and OSCN. 

Where necessary, users might choose to approach the local county sheriff’s office or the local police department for details on certain records or criminal history of an individual. 

Considering all these options, the easiest way to get criminal records in Oklahoma is through CHIRP (Criminal History Information Request Portal) and utilizing records maintained by Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI). 

Other options like court records and police or sheriff records can be quite useful in certain situations.