Is Weed Legal In Oklahoma

While the tide of weed legalization is going strong over a big part of the country, its effect in Oklahoma is mediocre at best. 

The use of weed in Oklahoma is illegal for recreational use. However, use of weed is allowed for medical uses. 

Oklahoma has quite the history with the legal status of weed. The use of the plant was first outlawed in 1933 and stayed that way for decades. However, the change in perception of the drug led to changes in laws as well.

In 2018, the state held a referendum via State Question 788 to decide on the legality of the use of medical marijuana in Oklahoma. The referendum was approved by popular vote, and thus Oklahoma became the 30th state in the USA to legalize the use of weed for medical purposes.

Interestingly, the state’s medical program for weed doesn’t require a pre-existing condition to qualify. Therefore, it is relatively easy to acquire a medical card and use weed legally in the state.

The state allows medical card holders to smoke weed in places where smoking tobacco is legal. Although those who prefer to consume medical marijuana in edible forms can do it anywhere.

The program is quite popular and has nearly 400,000 enrolled patients and 12,000 licensed businesses.

Seeing the success of the medical marijuana use, it would seem likely that the state would consider fully legalizing weed. That expectation didn’t really pan out.

The question of legalizing weed for purchase and use by adults was put forward to voters in State Question 820. An overwhelming majority of voters rejected this idea in a referendum. 

As a result, weed continues to be illegal in Oklahoma for recreational use. There have been concerns that those against weed legalization would use this opportunity to clamp down on the medical marijuana use in the state. So far, there hasn’t been much movement in that direction.

So, those who would like to enjoy weed legally in Oklahoma can consider getting a medical card.